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Women Fear Me

Fish Fear Me

Men Turn Their Eyes Away From Me

As I Walk No Beast Dares Make A Sound In My Presence

I Am Alone On This Barren Earth.

Haha but I enjoy the fishing mechanic in this game. I think it's pretty clever to have the player catch their own bait and use said bait to fish!

Thanks for playing!      I got the idea from that old Frogger 3D game where you would use your tongue to catch bugs, and they would give you stats based on their color haha.  My artist was just happy to draw a bunch of bugs and fish.

^v^ McStebb

(2 edits)

Hey there.   Found  a  non game-breaking  bug  after  you reach day 5.  The "continue" message displays twice, but it should say "press Q to return to the menu".

So keep in mind that after day 5, you can keep playing endless mode or press Q to start over after each day.
